The life of a goat herder is easy, the goats take care of themselves.
حياة راعيالماعز سهلة يهتمّ الماعز بنفسه
Your goat herder makes Darryl look like a welfare case.
راعيالماعز يجعل داريل) يبدو متسولاً)
"Hey, you're a goat shepherd. Sweet, I'm a chicken farmer.
مرحبا أنت راعيالماعز وأنا مربي الدجاج
♪ High on the hill was a lonely goatherd ♪ Lay-ee odle-lay-ee odle-lay-hee-hoo... ♪ ♪ Loud was the voice ♪ ♪ Of the lonely goatherd Lay-ee odle-lay-ee odle-loo ♪ High on the hill was a lonely goatherd ♪ Lay-ee odle-lay-ee odle-lay-hee-hoo Loud was the voice... ♪
...أعلى التل، كان هناك راعيماعز وحيد" ...كان الصوت عالياً للغاية" ...صوت راعيالماعز الوحيد"
You know of the Siberian goat herder who tried to discover the nature of the sun?
أتعرف راعىالماعز الذى حاول إكتشاف طبيعة الشمس؟
"Once upon a time, there lived a lonely little goatherd.
ذات يوم عاش راعيماعز قبل وقت طويل
I'm not going to introduce you to my mother looking like a goat herder from Albania.